Today I started epoxying the seats. After lots of sanding I was ready to play with the epoxy. Worked quite well as you can see. I started slowly with the epoxy mix ~ 6 pumps at a time (roughly enough for one of the end-seats). Could easily go to ~8-10 pumps without a problem. The epoxy doesn't seem to set too quickly. But...working under a tree is not ideal. I already have quite a few bits of debris and trapped insects. Hopefully they'll all sand away nicely.
I was thinking of saving the chip brushes (vinegar cleans them quite well) but I think I've decided against it - if any vinegar is left behind it will interfere with the curing process and it's not worth risking this for ~$0.9 per brush.
Yikes - had to entertain the kids and when I got back I found the drop sheet had been folded over the epoxied plywood and made some very interesting (but unwanted) patterns. I guess sanding is next...
I took advantage of some of my free time in between coats to mark the gains on the #1 and #2 planks. I also cleaned up the edges to get rid of the tabs left behind by the cutting machine. I'm not sure how I'll cut the gains as an experiment on scrap ply failed miserably. I guess I'll try to sharpen the blade better and take very very small cuts.. I'm a bit anxious about this step.
Time: 1 hour sanding, 1 hour 'painting' expoxy (first coat) 30 minutes 'painting' epoxy (second coat)
Total: 7 h
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