Today the seats went in. There are some quite big gaps at spots but I'll fill them up with thickened epoxy once I get to the fillets. The fillets will be a bit challenging - I'll probably have to go as high as 1 1/2" at spots where the gap is really large. Hopefully it will be strong enough in the end.
Also I started cleaning up the spars. The sprit is all ready now and it seems like the other spars will be pretty easy to get ready. I've decided I will give them all one coat of epoxy, just in case...
Finally, one more coat of epoxy on all the foils. Some creative sanding coming up, then one last coat.
Here's the status so far:
Hiding in the front compartment is a beetle that had the misfortune of getting stuck in the epoxy. I moved him to the stem and had him encased in epoxy for ever. Hopefully he'll watch over the boat.
Time: 3 hours
Total: 118 hours
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