Today I spent a bit of time cleaning up all the squeeze out glue from the mast, rails, and the sprit. I used a mix of rasp, block plane, and hand sander, but if I had to do it again I'd just go with the rasp and the random orbital sander. The block plane worked fairly well at times but also caught up into some of the more awkward grain and ripped some chunks from the wood that I'll now have to hide carefully when I finish the spars.
I also took some time to taper the rails towards the bow and end. Apparently it will look prettier that way. This was quite easy to do with my trusty Stanley No. 4 plane with a sharp blade.
The rails bend in all sorts of funny ways, mostly due to the wood itself but also due to my imperfect scarfing. I was rushing to get the scarfs done and it shows. If I had to do it again I'd spend a bit more time laying them out, and also use more tape to avoid having to do too much cleanup afterwards. In the end, though, I should remember that this will be a boat, not a museum piece. Any imperfections will be OK and probably pale in contrast to the dents and dings we'll be putting into the boat as we actually use it (which I thoroughly hope we'll do quite soon - July maybe?).
Hopefully next week I'll get the outside cleaned up, fiberglassed and epoxied, and the breasthooks + rails in. Should need a full day of work and a couple mornings to get it all done.
I'm hopefully past the halfway point, though now the projects will be less fun and more sanding.
Time: 2 hours
Total: 47 hours
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