About this blog

This blog chronicles Mihai's adventures in building and sailing boats.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Skerry build day 18: fiberglass at last

Today I thought I had found a patch of sunshine and I'd start fiberglassing over the boat. The process started quite well, slowly squeegeeing the epoxy in the glass and things were progressing fine until I noticed that my epoxy was getting hotter and hotter (and also thicker). I started to work quicker but got to the point where the epoxy wouldn't squeegee well anymore.. Disaster 1. The second batch I mixed worked fine but had a hard time going through the almost cured stuff so I'm afraid there are some insufficiently glued patches in the boat. I tried cutting the glass here and there to let the epoxy through but I'm not sure how well it worked...

Disaster 2 occurred soon after: a storm started and the boat was open. I frantically build a tent around it but in the morning found some water had made its way through. Hopefully it won't permanently damage the boat. Needless to say, more work for me in the future...

Lessons learned: stop using the epoxy as soon as it starts getting thicker (maybe thicken it and glue something else so you don't waste it).

Time: 1.5 hours
Total: 55.5

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