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This blog chronicles Mihai's adventures in building and sailing boats.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Skerry build day 20: Sanding, gluing, and more epoxy

Today was quite productive. I spent the afternoon shaping the edges of the seats and prepping the top of the rudder for gluing. Late afternoon I spent about 1.5 hours sanding the hull. The process was fairly smooth except for the spots where I had globbed on epoxy that was too thick. I guess the trick is to work with small amounts and just live with the fact that you'll have to spend a fair amount of time mixing batches in between spreading the stuff. If the weather's warm, don't listen to the '24 oz' recommendation in the manual. Start small (< 16 oz) and you'll be fine...A second coat of epoxy went on quite easily so now the outside of the hull is all done and ready. I might paint a bit more epoxy on the chines where the sander broke through to the wood in a few spots. It might not matter much given that I'll have one coat of primer and 3-4 coats of paint on top of it all.I used the leftover epoxy (plus a bit more) to glue together the top of the rudder. What a mess. The rope that I put inside to clean the line channel had gotten stuck between the pieces so I had to take everything apart and pretty much start again... Cleaning the inside was a pain, but then I remembered I had some flexible plastic tubing from a curtain project a while back. I simply used that instead of the rope to push paper through the channel. I've hopefully cleaned everything out fine, otherwise I'll have a lot of fun coming up with creative ways of cleaning the inside of the rudder.

Here's the final outcome. Looks pretty good, I think.

Time: 4 hours
Total: 61 hours

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